Monday, February 6, 2012

Meeting 4 Spring Semester 2012

Hello Anthropology Club Members,

Below you will find the meeting minutes from the last meeting, held on 2/6/12 at 2:30.  As always, our meetings are held every Monday at 2:30 in CLA 125.  The meetings usually last an hour, occasionally longer if we are involved in entertainment or heated discussions.  Our officers meetings are held weekly meeting in our club office at 1:30pm, (CC 225), all officers are expected to attend or communicate their expected absence.      

We are still awaiting responses from the doodle survey sent out with the last club email.  Many of you may have a junk mail filter that does not allow an email with a link to go to your inbox, please check your junk mail folder if you have not received this.  The last meeting minutes had two doodle survey links within the email, one for a date to attend the Como Zoo and one for a date to attend the Science Museum Pirates exhibit.  Pending information discussed at the last meeting, the AC may attend Pirates on February 22nd at 7pm.  A future email will confirm or deny this date.  

The AC symposium planning is in the works.   The date will be April 20th beginning at noon.  We are reserving two rooms for presentations/posters, etc. We have started a sign-up for student presenters.  Please contact a club officer or Dr. Mallery if you would like to participate.  

The AC has also decided to joint-host Stress Relief Day with the Veterans Club per their invitation to our club.  Our specific involvement has not yet been decided.  

Please join us at the next meeting, we will be partaking in some entertainment and enjoying some food.

Additionally, our first Officer's Meeting with new elected officials was held February 6 at 1:30PM in our club office; CC225.  All officers are expected to attend weekly officers meetings.

Anthropology Club
2/6/12  Meeting 2:30 -3:30 Room 125

Reintroductions of new and currents members
Report from Kyle on Student Senate Meeting
-New clubs that got voted in
-Secretary for Student Senate seat is now open
-Leadership Training
-Rock the Caucus
-Volunteer Opportunities
Symposium Discussion
-What room to reserve from noon-?????
-Possibly get a lecture hall
-Fill out student event forms
-Sign-ups for presentations at the symposium
-Discussed dates and exhibits for Science Museum and Como Zoo Field trips
Discussion on ancient shaman rituals of Sammi
February 22nd- Possible Social Science Trip to Science Museum
Vote on Entertainment for Future meetings

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