Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 27 Meeting Minutes

Anthropology Club Meeting September 27, 2011

            For our meeting today we met with the Multicultural Club in CC 231.  We addressed a few of the items to be accomplished for the joint talent show we are all helping with.  The show itself will be held on November 4th at 3 pm, with a dress rehearsal at about 1 pm for a run through.  Auditions will be held from 2-4 pm on Tuesday October 4th in room CC231.  We are looking for judges for the Auditions to be representative of both clubs, let an officer know if you’d like to attend.
If possible we want members to begin thinking of if they would like to help with the staffing for the event, such as stage manager, reception manager, etc.  No positions will be determined until we are closer to the Talent Show date.
We want to include food for the event, probably mainly pizza.  There was also talk of hummus and Chinese food.  Suggestions are still welcome as always.
Anthropology Club Officers meeting to be held on Thursday September 29th in the Club Office room in the Campus Center.

September 27 Meeting Reminder

Just a reminder that today's Anthropology Club meeting will be held in CC231, (the upstairs of the campus center), to team up with the Multicultural Club in an effort to plan our combined campus-wide event.  The Multicultural Club is also looking for volunteers from our club to serve as judges for the talent show auditions with the second round taking place on November 4th from 2-4pm in CC231.  If you can attend, please let Kat know.

September 20, 2011 Meeting Summary

We have made some progress this week and are on our way to planning our first ever campus wide event, collaborating with the Multicultural Club.  Below you can view the transcript of what took place during today's meeting and what dates to be aware of for the future.  Immediate issues to address in brief include: 

*Next meeting will not be held in our normal meeting place of CLA 134 at 3:30.  We will instead be meeting with the Multicultural Club starting at 3:15 in CC231, (located in the upstairs of the campus center), to solidify our plans for the upcoming Talent Show.  There will certainly be opportunity for involvement with this event, please share your skills, let's make this event great!

*We are seeking club members to form a committee for posters and eventually a logo and t-shirts.  Can you lend your graphic design skills to the Anthropology Club?

*Know of an anthropology related event you think the club should attend?  Email Dr. Mallery or Kat and we just may be able to organize a club field trip.  The Student Senate has "thawed" the  student organization budget and the Anthropology Club will finally have the opportunity to spend their allotted money. Help us decide how by coming to our meetings and sharing your ideas. 

*Bring your friends and join us!  The Anthropology Club meets every Tuesday, (with the exception of the next meeting), in CLA134.  The more the merrier, after addressing club issues we like to round out the meeting by sharing anthropology related news so bring some to share.

Thanks and hope to see you at the next meeting!


Anthropology Club meeting September 20, 2011

            In our meeting of Anthropology Club today the President of the Multicultural Club visited and happily informed us they would be more than happy to let us join them for a joint campus wide event.  The event that was chosen was a talent show to be most likely held on November 4 in the auditorium, to be followed by an international food and pizza luncheon.  Final details are still being worked out, as more information solidifies we will update accordingly.

            **We are planning to meet on September 27th with the Multicultural Club to begin working on specific details to be taken care of.  These may involve set up, tear down, stage work, auditions, etc.  More will be discussed on this day. **
Additional Audition try-outs on October 4 from 2:00-4:00 PM
(All students are welcome to audition)

            The next orders of business for Anthropology Club are club posters and club T-shirts, in order of highest priority first.  We are exploring options and talking to anyone with graphical design skill that could help.  If you could help out in any way, or know of someone who could, please contact an officer or bring it up at a meeting.  We would like to get these started as soon as possible.
            The Student Senate’s club funding is still open, so we may request a budget.  This means we can possibly take a field trip, outing, etc. of our choosing if we decide soon enough to apply for funds.  So we are just trying to decide what activity we would want to pursue as a club.  As nothing has been formally decided yet, we are just inviting all members to try and think of particular activities they would like to explore outside of school.  Ideas can be brought up at club meetings or emailed to an officer.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Social Science

The 21+ anthropology club members may be attending an event at the Science Museum on Minnesota on Wednesday, September 21, 2011.  Check out the link for more information.  Maybe we will see you there!

Student Success Day

The club will be participating in the NHCC student success day tomorrow, September 14, 2011.  Anthro clubbers are welcomed to be present at our table and represent the club, we will rendezvous at 8am at the table in the CLA hallway.  Your help is appreciated so we can work in shifts.



Meeting Minutes September 13th, 2011

Anthropology Club meeting for September 13, 2011

President: Kat Richards
Vice President: Scott Sherwood
Treasurer: Shane Blegen
Documentarian: Andrew Contreras
Secretary: Kyle Jensen

In our first order of business today we voted in our new officers.  I’d like to say a quick thank you to all those that will be helping with the club, big or small.  A quick apology if I got any names wrong, I just copied them as well as I could off the sign in sheet.
We began to try and think of ideas for our campus wide event.  We bounced around a few ideas and options.  We finally tentatively decided to try and join our campus event day with another club, preferably in a way that represents both clubs ideals. 
There was talk of seeing if the Multicultural Club might want to seek a joint venture for our event day.  If you have any ideas of what clubs events may possibly align with something we could do, ask the other club what they think and bring it up at our next meeting, or vice versa.
One additional possible idea was to implement Professor Mallery’s stone knapping as a speaker for the day, or a segment of our event.
Any additional ideas or related topics are more than welcomed for Anthropology Club.  Different articles, events, discussions, etc.  Just bring them in on a Tuesday meeting day to share.
A meeting for officers or anyone that would like to help plan out the bigger group meetings will be had on Thursday September 15th outside the CLA 120 lecture hall at 12:15 PM for about a half hour to discuss scheduling, paperwork, and related topics.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Official Listing

A small step to some, but a big step for us. We have made the official NHCC club listing! Follow the link to have a look, despite what the listing says, we do meet weekly and potentially bi weekly in the coming future.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We're Back!

After a couple weeks of coordinating, the Anthropology Club of NHCC is back in action.  For the time being we will be meeting in CLA 134 at 3:30pm.  Additional meeting times may be added in the future.  The club will hold elections next week for the available Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Alternate Student Senate Representative.  We plan on orgainzing the campus-wide club activity for the semester during the next meeting, your input and ideas are appreciated!  If you cannot attend the meeting but would like to be involved, please contact Dr. Mallery or Kat.

 If you are seeking tutoring help in either Physical Anthropology or Cultural, group sessions will be scheduled this week.  Additionally, one-on-one sessions are available by appointment in the tutoring center.