Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Meeting Minutes September 13th, 2011

Anthropology Club meeting for September 13, 2011

President: Kat Richards
Vice President: Scott Sherwood
Treasurer: Shane Blegen
Documentarian: Andrew Contreras
Secretary: Kyle Jensen

In our first order of business today we voted in our new officers.  I’d like to say a quick thank you to all those that will be helping with the club, big or small.  A quick apology if I got any names wrong, I just copied them as well as I could off the sign in sheet.
We began to try and think of ideas for our campus wide event.  We bounced around a few ideas and options.  We finally tentatively decided to try and join our campus event day with another club, preferably in a way that represents both clubs ideals. 
There was talk of seeing if the Multicultural Club might want to seek a joint venture for our event day.  If you have any ideas of what clubs events may possibly align with something we could do, ask the other club what they think and bring it up at our next meeting, or vice versa.
One additional possible idea was to implement Professor Mallery’s stone knapping as a speaker for the day, or a segment of our event.
Any additional ideas or related topics are more than welcomed for Anthropology Club.  Different articles, events, discussions, etc.  Just bring them in on a Tuesday meeting day to share.
A meeting for officers or anyone that would like to help plan out the bigger group meetings will be had on Thursday September 15th outside the CLA 120 lecture hall at 12:15 PM for about a half hour to discuss scheduling, paperwork, and related topics.

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