Thursday, April 28, 2011


Just a reminder that the club will have one final meeting on Monday May 2nd, followed by a study group/tutoring session in CC231.  The Monday, May 9th,  meeting will take place over dinner at

Thanh Vi Restaurant

3023 85th Ave N
MinneapolisMN 55444 
at our normal meeting time.  Students are responsible for their own transportation.  This will conclude Anthropology Club meetings for Spring Semester.

What is Anthropology

President O'Brien checks out the Anthropology
Club table in the Campus Center.  

What is Anthropology? Week in Photos

The club holding it down on Thursday.

Kelly and Kat.

Our trifold board of information.  

Jon and Katie explaining primatology to students.

Dr. Mallery and Andy.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Meeting 7

Important information from meeting 7:

Next week: Monday-Thursday April 25-28, 11am-1pm, "What is Anthropology?" event in Campus Center. Join us, volunteers needed, projects and visual aids appreciated. If you are interested in creating something for the event, please meet with Kat with your finished project/poster/game/etc. by Thursday April 21st at CC231 between 11am-1pm.

As a reminder to everyone, we will not be hosting study group in CC231 on Thursday, April 28. If you need assistance come and find us at our event in the Campus Center during this time.

Additionally, we will not be meeting May 9th at CC231, instead we will be having a celebratory dinner at Thanh Vi in Brooklyn Park.

The MIA field trip is on hold for the time being, due to lack of respondents.

There will be no Officer's meeting and no Anthropology Club meeting Monday April 25th.

Meeting and Study Group/Tutoring Today

Just a reminder to everyone, we do indeed have a meeting today, followed by a study group/tutoring session.

We are still seeking visual aids/posters/games/prizes for our "What is Anthropology?" event next week.  Please contact Dr. Mallery or Kat if you wish to contribute or participate.  

Monday, April 11, 2011

Proposed Logo

Here is our logo mock-up thus far.  Focus on the four main images in the middle, the globe; representing cultural anthropology could be replaced with the images below or possibly a mask or another idea.  Some phonetic image such as the "ae" combo or schwa, (upside down "e"), could replace the sound waves icon.

Any thoughts or input are appreciated.  There are some other ideas we are tossing around including a globe within a compass.

Post your comments below, the proposed deadline is Wednesday April 12th.

Meeting 6 Excavation Cake!

One of the many benefits of Anthropology Club.  Delicious cake!
Mmmm....treasures inside!

Meeting 6

Meeting 6:
Here’s some highlights from the April 11, 2011 meeting.
A study group as well as tutors in CC231 will be available to Anthropology students until the end of the semester Mondays from 4-6pm and Thursdays from 11-1pm.  If these hours are not in agreement with your schedule, please contact Joe Crowe or Dr. Mallery for additional information or individual tutoring arrangements.
There will be no Anthropology Club meeting on May 9th, instead we will be having our celebratory dinner at Thanh Vi in Brooklyn Park.  Please join us if you can.  This will be the kick off for our once monthly dinner.
There will be a vote/discussion posted on the blog regarding our logo.  If you wish to have input or feedback, please post your thoughts and ideas on the blog.  There will be our thumbnail idea posted there.  We plan on finalizing the idea by Wednesday 4/13 so the deadline for input is then.
Additionally, the MIA fieldtrip poll will close on Wednesday if you care to attend, please respond to the poll by then. 
Our “What is Anthropology?” week will be happening April 25th-28th from 11am-1pm in the Campus Center.  We still need help and contributions in the form of games, prizes and handiwork.  Please email Kat if you have ideas or can donate prizes, supplies or time.

Upcoming Events:
Osseo/North Hennepin Community College, Feast & Pow Wow
            Feast: Friday, April 29th 11am-1:30pm
            Pow Wow: Saturday, April 30th 1-6pm
Cultural Program with Nick Hockings, Ojibwe Elder
            Friday April 29
            11am-12pm: Science Center Room 125
            1:30pm-2:30pm: Campus Center Room 230
Minneapolis/St. Paul International Film Festival
            April 15th-May 5th, times vary at the St. Anthony Main Theatre  

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Social Science

Kelly and Kat with friends in tow attending the Social Science function at the Science Museum of Minnesota on Wednesday March 30th.  Here are some photos illustrating the fun that was had by all.
There was an array of creatures present courtesy the
Minnesota Herpetological Society.

...including this crocodile, which was docile
enough to pet.

...and this tortoise.  

...more of the croc.  The amphibians and reptiles
are representative of animals of the Nile River Valley.

Scarab beetles and tarantulas.

Scorpions, oh my!

Jaed holding a LIVE tarantula!

...are you ready for your close-up, tarantula?

Free snacks made from bugs, going like hotcakes.

The entrance to the King Tut exhibit.  

Kat and friend Jaed hamming it up at the
photo booth.
Follow the link here to see the flikr
account for the SMM photo booth.

Meeting 5 Re-Cap

Here is a brief summary of what went on at our last meeting.

We voted for historian/ documentarian.  Andy and some others will be taking on this role.

Officers meeting will be taking place on Mondays @ 1:30.

We have decided to approach the funding request for King Tut admission from a different angle by asking the Dean of Fine Arts to fund this trip, or possibly see if we can receive a grant.  Jon and Kat will be meeting with the Dean on Friday April 8th.

Planned Activities and Business:
Apply for a budget & funding for t-shirts/event.

Study group is still in the works, Kelly and Kat will be meeting with Joe Crow to finalize the group on Tuesday April 12th.  In the meantime, if anyone is interested or seeking study help Dr. Mallery is always happy to help with office hours Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Jeopardy plans include  a computerized version of the game so the request for note cards with questions no longer applies.

Proposed ideas for our "What is Anthropology?" Week:

Establish a budget for food, supplies, prizes etc.

Potential Bribes:

Cupcakes, cookies, candy

Other ideas:

Trivia questions
Anthropology Brochures

Other business:
Still need logo and posters, (Kat promises to work on both this weekend).

Please complete the doodle survey for the MIA field trip if you wish to attend, it would be nice to get that event date settled soon.  There is a link in the margin, or you can follow the link listed below.

MIA doodle survey link.

The U of M undergrad Anthropolgy Conference is this weekend at the Landscape Arboretum.

If you wish to contribute to the "What is Anthropology?" Week, please contact Kat, Jon or Dr. Mallery.


Monday, April 4, 2011

More Como Zoo Photos

A helpful chart inside the Primate House showing the
primate classification.  

Another helpful aid illustrating the habitat
of primates.  
More photos from the Como  Zoo primate observation trip.  These photos were taken by Kat Richards, club president.
The group and various onlookers observing the primates,
observing the humans.

Will they groom the onlooking humans?

Gorilla amusement.  

The group takes in the primate nap time.

The orangutan mother and juvenile.  

The sexually mature male orangutan.

Mom orangutang observing the humans.  

Photos from Como Zoo fieldtrip

Gorilla statue outside of the Primate House.

Enjoy some of the photos from our primate observing field trip at the Com Zoo.  These photos were taken by Andrew Riley, our new club documentarian.
Active mountain gorillas in the morning.

The female orangutan engaging the humans.

Gorilla action.

Orangutan play time.  

Spider monkey swinging from a prehensile tail.

Almost nap time for the mountain gorilla.

Juvenile orangutan attempting  to engage the mature male.

Meeting 5!

Meeting today, same time, same place.  Hope to see you there!