Thursday, April 7, 2011

Meeting 5 Re-Cap

Here is a brief summary of what went on at our last meeting.

We voted for historian/ documentarian.  Andy and some others will be taking on this role.

Officers meeting will be taking place on Mondays @ 1:30.

We have decided to approach the funding request for King Tut admission from a different angle by asking the Dean of Fine Arts to fund this trip, or possibly see if we can receive a grant.  Jon and Kat will be meeting with the Dean on Friday April 8th.

Planned Activities and Business:
Apply for a budget & funding for t-shirts/event.

Study group is still in the works, Kelly and Kat will be meeting with Joe Crow to finalize the group on Tuesday April 12th.  In the meantime, if anyone is interested or seeking study help Dr. Mallery is always happy to help with office hours Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Jeopardy plans include  a computerized version of the game so the request for note cards with questions no longer applies.

Proposed ideas for our "What is Anthropology?" Week:

Establish a budget for food, supplies, prizes etc.

Potential Bribes:

Cupcakes, cookies, candy

Other ideas:

Trivia questions
Anthropology Brochures

Other business:
Still need logo and posters, (Kat promises to work on both this weekend).

Please complete the doodle survey for the MIA field trip if you wish to attend, it would be nice to get that event date settled soon.  There is a link in the margin, or you can follow the link listed below.

MIA doodle survey link.

The U of M undergrad Anthropolgy Conference is this weekend at the Landscape Arboretum.

If you wish to contribute to the "What is Anthropology?" Week, please contact Kat, Jon or Dr. Mallery.


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