Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Meeting 3 Re-Cap

Our third meeting has brought about some changes to the club's inner-workings.  Steve has stepped down as secretary, this position has been filled by Jamie Martel.  Additionally, Reuben has stepped down as treasurer and assuming the position is Katie Kowalski.  We really appreciate Katie and Jamie taking on the additional tasks to keep the club going.  

As a reminder to everyone, our Como Zoo field-trip is Sunday March 27th at 10am.  The zoo opens at 10am, we will convene at the zoo main entrance and make our way to observing the primates after everyone arrives. 

There will be a study group formulating for Anthropology hosted by the Anthropology Club.  More details on the dates and times coming soon.  This group is open to anyone looking to help other students learn about anthropology and prepare for anthropology exams and also to students looking for help.  

An email will be sent this week for the coordination of a date to view the King Tut exhibit at the Science Museum.  Funding for this event was denied by the Student Life Offices/Student Senate so admission fees will be the responsibility of the student.  

We are still hoping to have a book discussion about the Jared Diamond book Guns, Germs and Steel.  If you are interested in participating please start reading!

The club is in the process of creating an Anthropology Jeopardy Game.  If you would like to help create this game please create your question/answer and write it on an index card, (answer one side, question the other), deliver it to one of the anthropology club officers or Dr. Silas.  Feel free to make more than one question/answer card.

The Anthropology club is in the process of organizing a "What is Anthropology" event in the Campus Center the last week of April, dates including the 25-28 from 11am-1pm.  If you have any ideas or would like to contribute please contact the Anthropology Club Officers or come to the next meeting and help us plan this campus-wide event.  

Don't forget to check you email for the upcoming date survey for the King Tut exhibit.  Hope to see you at the next meeting!

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