Monday, March 7, 2011

Meeting 2 Notes

Our second meeting of the Anthropology Club was held today, March 7, 2011.  Here are the highlights:

We have decided on a date for our first off-campus activity, our trip to the Como Zoo to observe the primates.  Anyone interested in attending is welcome, we will convene at the Zoo main entrance at 10am.

We are currently in the process of requesting funding to attend the King Tut exhibit at the Science Museum.  A poll will be emailed to everyone where you can select your preferred date of attending, should we receive funding.  We will compile the results and select a date based on everyone's preferences.

Club Meetings:
We will continue to hold weekly meetings in CC 231 at 3:30pm every Monday, with exceptions such as the following Monday, there will not be a meeting the week of Spring Break.  Our next meeting will be held March 21st.  All students are welcome.  If you will be attending, please bring an anthropology related news story to share with the group.

Club News:
In the works are an Anthropology Student Study Group, an Anthropology Book Club, as well as some campus-wide anthropology events.  If you have interest in participating in the book discussion, start reading Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond.

Also, we are looking to fill the position of treasurer.  If you would like to be considered for this position, please prepare a statement and be ready to speak at the next meeting.  There will be a group vote to confirm this position.

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