Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Meeting 9, Spring Semester 2012

With so much work having been accomplished in our previous week's meeting I have very little to report from our current meeting.  What I can say is that we have a lot of events planned for the end of the semester and a lot of work still to be completed.  

In our meeting today we formalized what will be our atlatl target practice game for Stress Relief Day and got a peek at the actual target completed over the weekend by our pizza treasurer and secretary, Jeff.  The can coolies have officially been ordered with our logo for S.R.D and the symposium.  A flyer has been completed and is awaiting approval for the symposium as well.  We have decided also to cram one more event into the semester, a flintknapping demonstration, the date to be determined at the next meeting, but likely in the end of April, after the symposium.

Here is an overview of what is planned for the coming weeks:

Monday April 9 (2:30pm): Anthropology Club Meeting-finalize plans for the Symposium and Stress Relief Day, finish our entertainment.

Monday April 16 (2:30pm): Symposium "dress rehearsal." Tie up loose ends for S.R.D. and Symposium.  

Wednesday April 18 (8am-?): Stress Relief Day 

Friday April 20 (noon): Anthropology Symposium (6:30pm): Anthropology Club dinner at Kramarczuck's

***(sometime after this have flintknapping event)***

Monday April 23 (2:30pm): Anthropology Club Meeting

Monday April 30 (2:30pm): Anthropology Club Meeting

Thursday May 3 (6:30pm): The Archaeology of Pirates lecture at the Science Museum

Also, I have sent out an email JUST to presenters at the symposium requesting final titles so the program can get complied.  
I will extend the deadline until this friday as I stated, but in the interest of formalizing a timeline, program and agenda, I do really have to close the door after this week.

Please email or contact a club member if you would like to volunteer for either the symposium or S.R.D..  It looks like we need help most for clean-up after S.R.D..  Meeting minutes will follow.  Hope to see you at the next meeting!

Anthropology Meeting Minutes
CLA 125
2:30- 3:30

Need to get quote and sizes for T-shirts
Flint Knapping demo will be an upcoming event, we need to order more still
Work on poster for Symposium
Interesting 70’s entertainment
Put dowels and wings on noodles for game on Stress Relief Day
Get your name and project title to Kat so a pamphlet can be printed out for the symposium
Attendance- Dr. Mallery, 12 students

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