Monday, March 26, 2012

Meeting 8, Spring 2012

     I would like to start by saying that the club has had a very successful week and accomplished a lot.  I am really looking forward to the coming events for the club as we near the end of the semester.  So many club members have been going "above and beyond" to use the cliche, and I couldn't be happier as club president to have been working with such dedicated students.  A "thank you" is owed to so many of you as well as our continuously supportive advisor, Dr. Mallery, for his tireless encouragement and dedication of time to the club.
     That said, I have lots of good news to report on this week.  The viewing of the Pirates exhibit at the Science Museum of Minnesota was rescheduled at the last minute and apologies are in order for anyone who received the message while they were in transit.  The good news is that we will be planning a new trip where the club will also attend a lecture by archaeologist Russell Skowronek a Marine Archeologist, Professor of History and Anthropology at the University of Texas - Pan American, he is also an author.  The lecture will be a club relevant topic of "Pirates in the Archaeological Record."  Please join us for the lecture Thursday, May 3, 2012, 7-8:30 p.m.  The SMM is open until 9:30pm so that will allow us an hour to view the Pirates exhibit after the lecture.  Plan on meeting at 6:30pm at the map on the floor in the main lobby, we will proceed to the lecture area after that.  Students will be responsible for getting their own tickets, it is advised that you do this early.
     The symposium is well under way and I am proud to report that we have at least seven presenters as of right now.  Coffee service has been ordered for the day of and arrangements are in the work for promotional materials to advertise the event.  The deadline to submit a title or subject of presentation is this Friday, March 30th.  I haven't heard from any additional presenters, but I would like to propose we have all of the students involved sorted out by this friday as well.  A "dress rehearsal" of the symposium will be held in CLA125, (our normal club meeting room), at 2:30pm on Monday April 16th.  Anyone participating or presenting at the symposium is required to attend this, or be in contact with a club officer so that we can be assured of your attendance for the actual symposium.  Volunteers are still needed for set-up and tear-down, please let a club member know if you are interested in volunteering. 
     We additionally still need volunteers for Stress Relief Day on Wednesday, April 18th.  At our next club meeting we will be resuming entertainment from the last meeting, beginning new entertainment and the construction of some atlatls and our target for our S.R.D. game.  We have additionally ordered promotional goodies which we will be handing out for prizes at this event.  
     A special "thank you" goes out to Stephanie for finally digitizing our club logo!  We are so grateful to have her graphic design skills put to use on something we have needed so badly for so long!  Thanks Stephanie for your hard work on this.  The logo looks great, you can check it out for yourself on our promotional materials at S.R.D. and the Symposium.  We hope to use the logo on some t-shirst very soon as well, so stay tuned..    

Enjoy the meeting minutes from the March 26th meeting below, courtesy our secretary and pizza treasurer, Jeff.

Anthropology Club
CLA 125

Ordered coffee, soda, water, muffins
Jeff will bring in board for Stress Relief Day game
Still need to order Coozis and t-shirts
Pirates at Science Museum –May 3rd 7:00
7 Symposium Presenters-Need more!!!!
Attendance- 11 students, Dr. Mallery

Need for pizza

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Meeting 7, Spring Semester

 We decided to forgo the entertainment for this week and will begin new entertainment at the next meeting.  We have much to discuss and accomplish for the upcoming Stress Relief Day and Anthropology Symposium.  I will address each event separately and what we need for each to make them successful.  I also would like to add that the more successful events the Anthropology Club is involved in on campus this semester, the more financing for the club and opportunities we can potentially have in coming years; so your involvement is appreciated and needed for the future success of this club!  We received notice that our budget for the next school year has been slashed by special meeting, but if we can make our next two events successful we may be able to retain our original and proposed budget.

First to be addressed is Stress Relief Day that we will be co-hosting with the VSA and other groups.  The event will be held April 18th with set up beginning at 8am.  We will need people to help with set up and to run our tables and games.  We will be constructing a new game, involving mega fauna and atlatls and will need help for that as well.  Please let us know if you can help and review your schedule, we will create a sign-up and request help at the next meeting.   

Secondly to be addressed is our Anthropology Symposium to be held on April 20th at noon.  We are requesting that any interested parties inform myself or Dr. Mallery by this Friday, March 23rd, (email will suffice), or their intent to present, make a poster, etc.  Deadlines for titles or topics, (which means Dr. Mallery, myself or a club officer will need an official title of what your presentation/poster/etc. will be called and the correct spelling of your name), will be Friday March 30 so that we can begin constructing a program and agenda for the symposium at the following Monday club meeting.  As in the case of Stress Relief Day, we will need volunteers for the event and at the next meeting a volunteer sign-up sheet will be sent around.  

For general club business we have voted to remove the student holding office as the Graphic Designer, we are in current and desperate need of someone to fill this role.  Duties will include finalizing our logo and preparing it for t-shirts and promotional materials, creating posters and material for our future events as well as other duties to be determined.  I would love nothing more than to proudly wear a North Hennepin Anthropology Club t-shirt at field school this summer, which brings me to another point.  We have been forwarded applications and information regarding a field school opportunity from Dr. Fleming, whom we met at the Science Museum during our field trip there.  If anyone is interested I can forward them the information, you should act quickly however, the decisions for acceptance will be made on April 8th.  Just a reminder about the field trip this Saturday to the Science Museum to view the Pirates exhibit, plan on meeting at the map on the floor outside the gift shop at 6pm.  We will wait for a short while then proceed to the exhibit.  In addition to aforementioned we also recapped our Como Zoo primate viewing field trip over spring break.
The Anthropology Club hard at work on spring break observing the
Primates at the Como Zoo.

Hope to see you at the next meeting.  We will be committing to involvement in both of our campus-wide events with sign-up sheets and attempting to lock down some of our desperately needed graphic design materials.  We will also be starting new entertainment and recapping our SMM field trip.  

Hope to see you at the next meeting, and please remember that if you wish to volunteer for any of our events and cannot be present at the meetings please know that your contributions are always welcome.

Anthropology Club Meeting

New Science Building Approved
Kicked out current Graphic Designer
Symposium Notes
-Food-Coffee and snacks TBD
-Need for a Graphic Designer
-Deadline posed for people who are going to present
-Need for people to present
Stress Relief Day
-We will being running a table with games
-Chose coozies as promotional idea
-Need for people to set up
-need to create some kind of target

No Entertainment
10 students
Dr. Mallery