Saturday, December 24, 2011

End of the Semester Dinner

The semester ended with a sword battle at Fuji Ya, as the end to any good semester of the anthropology club should.  Meet us again Mondays at 2:30 in CLA 125 beginning January 9, 2012 for spring semester.  

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pot Luck Pics

Some of the delicious feast.

MCC and the Anthropology Club feasting.

Stephanie and A.J. among other MCC members enjoying the food.

Alex contemplating her meal. Cystal of Student Life looks on.

Dr. Mallery, Thomas and Denise.

Kat and Kelly share a conversation.

Kyle's arm, Dr. Mallery, Thomas and Denise.

Thanks Andrew for the pictures of the pot luck!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Last Meeting of the Semester

Our last meeting of the semester was held Tuesday
 in conjunction with the Multicultural Club
 for a joint pot-luck.  (Pictures will be posted soon!)

We have decided that the Anthropology Club 
end-of-the-semester-dinner will take place as planned; 
Thursday December 15th at 7pm at Fuji Ya in Minneapolis.  
The address and phone number for Fuji Ya is: 

600 West Lake Street
(612) 871-4055

Let an officer know if you need to carpool.  
Some of us will be on campus that Thursday.   
Being conscious of the time is an issue, those of us
 who can will be hanging out all evening, 
come for as long or as little as you can or like.  
Organizing this day has been a challenge and 
I apologize if this proves difficult for anyone,
 we try to be inclusive of everyone and their very busy
schedules and obligations and this day seemed to work
 best for most.  

Another reminder that the meetings next semester 
will be held on Mondays at 2pm.  We registered to 
the same room assignment as last semester.  
Information on the official room assignment will follow.

Have a great finals week and good luck!

MIA Edo Pop Fieldtrip

On Thursday December 1st, some of the Anthropology Club attended the MIA to view the Edo Pop exhibit.  Here is a pic from the evening.