Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 29, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Here are some club happenings in the near future and things we discussed at today's meeting:

Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 7pm:  

The Anthropology Club field trip to the MIA, (Minneapolis Institute of Arts), will take place .  Meet at the glass doors inside the museum and we will proceed from there.  

Tuesday December 6, 2011 at 3:15:  

The joint Anthropology Club/Multicultural Club potluck.  This will be held in CC231, (this has changed from what was discussed in the 11/29 meeting as we cannot have food in the CLA). Meet in CC231 for the potluck/club meeting.  Bring a dish to share and feel free to bring friends and family if you choose.  This is to celebrate our accomplishments for the year and our completion of a joint campus-wide event.  This will be our last "club meeting" of the semester.

Thursday December 15, 2011 at 7pm:

Meet at Fuji Ya in Minneapolis for our end-of-the-semester club dinner.  

At the meeting we additionally discussed reading "Guns, Germs and Steel"  and/or "The Third Chimpanzee," by Jared Diamond, between semesters to kick of our spring semester.  Get reading!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

November 22, 2011 Meeting

Our last meeting we discussed some club items in brief then proceeded straight to some Anthro Club fun! 

Some upcoming dates to remember as the doodle polls have closed for the MIA event and the Anthropology Club End-of-the-Semester dinner.  Per the tabulated votes the dates are as follows:

MIA Field trip: Thursday, December 1st at 7:00pm

(We will discuss the intricacies of this at the next meeting.  Basically you will be responsible for your own transportation but some of us may carpool from NHCC.  Meet us there if you choose).  

End-of-the-Semester Dinner: Thursday December 15, 7:00pm at Fuji Ya

(Again, club members will be responsible for their own transportation and meal costs, we will reserve an area for the club to dine, meet us there or plan a carpool if you choose.)

Additionally, we voted on dates for the spring semester meetings and it has been decided that Anthropology Club meetings will take place Monday's at 2pm.  We will try to have the same room assignment if possible, as always I will keep you informed as to where the meeting will take place.  

We still have exciting events planned for the spring semester.  Don't forget about our proposed conference/symposium, if you would like to present at the event please let us know, there if the discussion of incentives for presenters, besides a nice addition to your resume.  

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Photos from the Talent Show

Here are the photos our club documentarian, Andrew took of the Talent Show and reception that followed.

Click on the link here to view the NHCC Anthropology Club's Photobucket Slideshow.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Upcoming Events in the Twin Cities

November is chock full of multicultural happenings in the Twin Cities.  Here are some links to a few events:

The MIA, Edo-Pop exhibit of Japanese wood block prints, October 30, 2011-January 8, 2012.

The Film Society of Minneapolis' Latin Film Festival, November 3, 2011-November 13, 2011.

Twin Cities Arab Film Festival, November 10-13, 2011.

Festival of Oriental Dance; Food for the Soul, Jawaahir and Cassandra Dance Company, November 16-20, 2011.

Feminist Film Festival at the Walker Art Center.  November 4-20, 2011.

Feel free to add supplements to this list in the comments section.

Talent Show Game Plan...

In brief, here is the schedule for the talent show to supplement the email sent.

Today (November 3, 2011):  Meet in the campus center at 6pm to decorate.  We will decorate until we are done or until the Campus Center closes at 10pm.  There are other tasks to complete so lend a hand where you can and when you can!

Tomorrow (November 4, 2011): We will rendezvous at 9:30am in the Campus Center to complete the set-up and finish what tasks remain.  Dress rehearsal at 2:30 and the show begins at 4pm.  Reception to follow at 6pm.  The reception is expected to last an hour or so.  Please plan accordingly so you can fulfill the duties you signed up for.