Thursday, October 27, 2011

Anthropology Club Budget

The Anthropology Club has finally been granted a budget from the Student Life Committee and the Student Senate.  As of this afternoon, we will be able to contribute from our own funds money to the Talent Show and start planning an anthropology conference for the spring!  Hooray, hard work does pay off!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 25 Meeting Minutes

Our meeting today was brief, but I have some critical issues to bring to your attention, namely addressing the impending talent show and the upcoming Student Senate meeting.  

Headway has been made on the Anthropology Club's responsibilities for the talent show, the food has been decided and ordered.  Taher couldn't match the prices so we will be serving food from Big Marina and Godfather's Pizza.  Crystal, Stephanie and I visited Litin Paper this afternoon to wrangle some decorations for the event.  Those of you who signed up to hep with set-up, it looks like we may be setting up well before the event, (hopefully the evening of Tuesday November 1), given the quantity of decorations purchased I will certainly need all of your help and whatever can be accomplished prior to the day of the Talent Show would be excellent, since that day will present it's own tasks to be completed by the Anthropology Club.  Dr. Mallery has agreed to be a judge for the event as well.  Until the Talent Show is complete, this will remain the main focus of the club.

Additionally, your support is requested at this week's Student Senate meeting.  Two motions have been put forth by the Anthropology Club as well as our budget request.  At the advisement of other clubs who have successfully petitioned the Student Senate, they recommended a strong club presence in the meeting to bolster the requests arguments should it be necessary.  Therefore, I am requesting that any available students join us at this weeks meeting.  If we do not gain a position on this week's agenda, the next meeting will be November 10th.

I will keep you all informed as to the days that your assistance is needed for both the Student Senate and the Talent Show.  Some events we are considering for after the talent show are a cookbook fundraiser, an anthropology conference in the spring and gathering corporate sponsorship for participation in the National Geographic mtDNA project.

Until next time, thanks to everyone who has volunteered and contributed to the club so far this year, I really appreciate all the involvement.  Let's make Anthropology Club the most successful club on campus!

Kathryn Richards
Anthropology Club President  

Monday, October 24, 2011

Meeting Minutes October 18

Today, October 18, 2011, in Anthropology Club we talked about some things that concerned the club.  Most of these were reminders and asking for suggestions, so not a lot of new material before MEA break.
We talked once again about getting T-shirts/posters/business cards done in the very near future to help boost club awareness on campus.  We're still looking for volunteers if we can find them, suggestions welcome too.  If we can't find anything of overt interest we'll just use a simple design.
As a club we are starting to think more seriously about our fund raising and 2012 event.  As of right now we're open to ideas.  We may be doing a cookbook with recipes from around the world for the fundraiser, and there have been talks of a guest speaker or a conference for the event.  But that doesn't mean we can't keep brainstorming!
We are still waiting on the budget to actually move forward on the talent show, but everything else is looking to be going well!  Any volunteers still very welcome and needed.
No Student Senate meeting this week, so are we are going next week.  As we are still requesting a budget all and any members are encouraged to come to show club support.  This will give us a better chance at getting a budget request approved.  Thursday October 25 from 3:00-5:00 pm.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Belly Dance Event This Weekend!

Looking for an anthropological event this weekend?  Check out the link here for A Belly Dance performance October 15th at the St. Paul Student Center.

Dig in Otsego!

Volunteers are needed for this weekend, call to reserve your spot!

Meeting Minutes from Oct. 11

Anthropology Club meeting for October 11, 2011

Our club treasurer has chosen to step down.  We are taking a vote of any volunteers next club.  The main duties held by the treasurer are budget requests and fund raising, Please feel free to volunteer if you can.

One idea that has been discussed for a fund raiser is a cookbook with recipes from the world over.  There was also talk of our 2012 event being an Anthropology Club Conference possibly.  Any other ideas are welcome. 

The talent show joint event with the multicultural club is beginning to take off.  We are currently looking for volunteers for any of the various roles, tabling, reception, set up, tear down, etc.  We are still looking for more international candy ideas.  A possible theme suggested for the reception was masquerade. 
If you can help at the talent show let someone know.  Remember the talent show is November 4th at 4 pm.  Dress rehearsal at 2 pm, set up at 9 am.

There was talk about attending a farmhouse archeological dig in Otsego this weekend.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Archaeology Song, Just for Fun!


Just a reminder the next anthropology club meeting will take place during the tryouts for the talent show, (the joint campus-wide event held by the Anthropology Club and the Multicultural Club), in CC231 at 2pm.   If you care to join us you can participate in the tryout judging, otherwise join us at the following meeting.  Officers meeting will take place as scheduled on Thursday at 12:30 in the Anthropology Club office.